Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The land I'm working with.

A little about my land to better understand our homesteading attempts.

I live in north Georgia, at the base of Fort Mountain.  We live outside the city limits, though in a neighborhood.  Luckily, neighbors aren't as close here as they are in the local subdivisions where people only get small lots of land around their houses.  I have several acres of mostly wooded land to work with here.

When we first built our house almost 16 years ago, we were young (only 19 at the time) and our only concern was having a home of our own to raise our unborn daughter.  We weren't considering that our future would consist of a desire to raise farm animals and grow vegetable gardens. However, it all worked out in the end.

Our house sits on 2 acres of land, with another 4 acres of family land connected.  That's 6 acres to grow and raise anything we want.  It may not be as big as some people have, but it seems to be suiting our needs quite well.  :)

We have a wood-burning fireplace in the house and feed it regularly through the winter with wood from our land.  Trees need to come down to make room for gardens, the chicken coop, childrens' playsets, and just the routine cleaning up of land.  It has been 16 years and we're still not out of trees.

The ground consists of a layer of beautiful black topsoil, full of organic material, and then the awful layer of slate rock beneath.  Close to the house it's hard to plant things due to the removal of topsoil when they built the house.  Further away from the house, where the bulldozers never went, the land is fertile.  It has taken us  few years of trial and error, but I think we finally found the perfect gardening spot.  I can't wait to see what comes from it this year!

*Pictured above: My oldest daughter lounging in the backyard hammock last summer.*

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