What is homesteading?

The meaning of "homesteading" has changed several times over the years.  It no longer has anything to do with the government's giving of free land to settlers and the skills those pioneers needed in order to live off that land.

Today "homesteading" is more about living a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle.  You don't have to live this way, but you want to.

You can start small with a few chickens, a family vegetable garden, or even just hanging your laundry out to dry.  Self sufficiency is key:  using less energy, eating locally grown fruits and vegetables, working the land, etc.  You do what you can do and move on from there.

And trust me, homesteading is addictive!  You start out thinking it would be nice to have fresh eggs, and the next thing you know you have a flock of chickens providing eggs for your family and numerous friends, neighbors, and extended family.  All the while considering new additions to the flock, a bigger vegetable garden, having a well dug, and what the financial possibilities of equipping your home with solar power would be.


But never fear, it's all in fun and you'll be happy at your newfound lifestyle/hobby/obsession/addiction.  :D

For more on the definition of homesteading, check out this page on Mother Earth News.

*Pictured above: My first eggs from my first chickens. It was love at first taste!*