Monday, August 27, 2012

A new blog award.

I get these from time to time, but only a few are what I consider worth the time to put them up (or I simply forget to do it!).

My blogging friend, Connie [Sunfire's Ramblings], awarded this to me back in July.  And you see how long it's taken me to put it up.  LOL!  Eek!

Anyway, here we go...

The rules:

[1] Thank the giver - Thank you very much, Connie!

[2] Post 7 things about yourself
        ~ I've never lived by myself. Went from my parents' house to my newlywed apartment.
        ~ Blue is my favorite color, but I have a big enjoyment of purple also.
        ~ I never wanted to live where I am. Always thought I'd move away from my hometown.
        ~ I named my three Rhode Island Reds (Henny Penny, Goldie, and Brownie), but never gave the Barred Rock Plymouth chicks names.
        ~ I hate waking up before daylight, but enjoy all the work I can get done when I do get up.
        ~ I really should be getting dressed to take FIL to an appointment instead of sitting here playing online.  LOL!  Oops. ;)
        ~ Sometimes I want to smack my husband across the face when he's snoring.  And yes, he knows.

[3] Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated - I always have a hard time choosing! And yes, most of these are from my writer's side of life. LOL.

        ~ Robin Renee Ray
        ~ Andi's Book Reviews
        ~ Paranormal Reads
        ~ Living Crazy in Montana
        ~ A Girl and Her Kindle
        ~ Krazy About Kindy
        ~ Paige Tyler

[4] Include the logo of the award in a post or on your blog - Done!


  1. Yeah, but you see how long it took me. LOL! Oh well, better late than never, I suppose. ;)

  2. Thank you so much, soon as I can I will pick my blogs...however you know yours is one of my favs..LOL
